Jose Rizal, a film released in June 1998 which was directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya, was one of the highly acclaimed movies in the country. Despite the horrible historical inaccuracies pointed out by critics, this award-winning movie gathered numerous awards and nominations on different awarding bodies such as the 1998 Metro…
Category: Philippine Cinema
Philippine Cinema
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Muro-Ami: A Japanese Fishing Technique
I have seen Muro-Ami when I was in my junior year in high school. It was a requirement of our Filipino class to watch the film and make a reaction paper. At that time, I was not very interested to watch it. I am into fantasy films and thus a…
Philippine Cinema
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Batanes Film: Love Knows No Borders, Paradise Philippines
Amidst the crashing of waves and the raging seas against the cliffs and the sonorous voices of the winds, lies a serene and majestic place in the northernmost part of the country. The magnificence of Batanes captivated the amazing tandem of filmmakers Adolfo Alix, Jr. and his Co-Director Dave Hukom….